77 years back

77 years back
Dan Stroie, Alexandru Bodrug
RO, 2023, col., 38’
Romanian o.v.

World Premiere

After 77 years, Victor returns to the village where he was born. The documentary is a search for one’s origins but it is also a touching and heartfelt exploration of a grandson’s journey with his grand-father to uncover the truth about their family’s past as refugees from Bessarabia.

Born in 1943 in Bessarabia region, Victor was forced to flee his homeland because of the war. After 77 years, his grandson, Dan, goes back there with his grandpa, Victor, who is recounting memories and seeking information about his birth and his lost relatives, in the country that is now the Republic of Moldova. They confront bureaucratic mazes and have profound personal revelations. Along the way, they forge deeper bonds with the homeland, its people, and each other. Returning home to Romania, Victor reflects on his journey, amidst the warmth of his family and loving wife.

“It is a story that holds great personal significance for me as I sought to uncover more information about our family’s past as refugees from Bessarabia. Trough this film, I wanted to capture the power of familial connections, the significance of our roots, and the importance of listening to and valuing the stories of our elders.” (D. Stroie)

Fotografia / Photography: Dan Stroie, Maria Stroie, Alexandru Bodrug
Montaggio / Editing: Emilia Coman
Musica, suono / Music, Sound: Matei Vasilache
Interpreti / Cast: Victor Stroie
Produzione / Produced by: DSF Media Film
Produttore esecutivo / Executive producer: Alexandru  Cocindău
Con il sostegno di / Supported by: Asociația pentru Excelență și Performanță, Hodlezz, iRonic Distors, Alessia Cremenescu



Dan Stroie
Filmmaker Dan Stroie was born in 1999 in Balș, Romania. He started filming at the age of 14, by shooting music videos and short films with friends. He studied Cinematography at UNATC University I.L. Caragiale. 77 Years Back (2023) is his first work as co-director.

Alexandru Bodrug
Alexandru Bodrug was born in the Republic of Moldova. He graduated in Film Directing at UNATC University I.L. Caragiale in 2021. His graduation film Dragons Do not Exist, based on his own experience through which he met his father, was selected for several film festivals including CineMAiubit and Moldova Film Festival.

2018 Ceea ce ne face sa iubim doc. cm / sf 2019 Noi doc. cm / sf 2021 Trei portocale doc. cm / sf 2021 Dragonii nu exista (Dragons do not exist) cm / sf 2023 77 de Ani Înapoi doc. mm / ml (77 Years Back diretto con / directed with Dan Stroie)

  • 2024
At 14:00
  • Cinema Ambasciatori

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