Stefan Zweig: Farewell to Europe
Maria Schrader
D – F – A, 2016, col., 106’
German – English – Portuguese – French – Spanish o.v.

The years of exile in the life of famous German speaking writer Stefan Zweig, his inner struggle for the ”right attitude” towards the events in WWII Germany and his search for a home in the new world. Stefan Zweig: Farewell to Europe premiered at Locarno Film Festival 2016 and was the Austrian entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the Academy Awards.

The years of exile in the life of Stefan Zweig, one of the most read German-language writers of his time, between Buenos Aires, New York and Brazil. As a Jewish intellectual, Zweig struggles to find the right stance towards the events in Nazi Germany, while searching for a home in the new world. Stefan Zweig: Farewell to Europe premiered at Locarno Film Festival 2016 and was the Austrian entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the Academy Awards.

“I was particularly interested in the last years of Stefan Zweig’s life. This period can be read as an allegorical tale of exile. He had escaped the war but, at the same time, was haunted by it. He could not help but think about what was happening on the other side of the world. This empathy and sensitivity testify to the human qualities that contributed to his fame as a writer but also to his downfall.” (M. Schrader)

Sceneggiatura / Screenplay: Maria Schrader, Jan Schomburg
Fotografia / Photography: Wolfgang Thaler
Montaggio / Editing: Hansjörg Weissbrich
Musica / Music: Tobias Wagner
Suono / Sound: Philippe Garnier, Kai Tebbel, Bruno Tarrière
Scenografia / Art Director: Silke Fischer
Costumi / Costume Designer: Jürgen Döring
Interpreti / Cast: Josef Hader, Barbara Sukowa, Aenne Schwarz, Matthias Brandt
Produzione / Produced by: X-Filme Creative Pool, Idéale Audience, Maha Productions, Dor Film
Coproduzione / Co-produced by: Bayerischer Rundfunk, Westdeutscher Rundfunk, Arte, Arte France Cinéma, Orf Film /Fernseh – Abkommen
Con il sostegno di / Supported by: Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung, Deutscher Filmförderfonds Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, FFA Minitraité, Creative Europe Media, Österreichisches Filminstitut, CNC
Distribuzione internazionale / World Sales: Films Distribution (Playtime)

Maria Schrader
Actress and film director Maria Schrader was born in 1965 in Hannover, Germany. As an actress, she has worked with directors such as Margarethe von Trotta, Doris Dörrie, Peter Greenaway and Agnieszka Holland. At 1999 Berlinale she received the Silver Bear for Best Actress in Aimée & Jaguar by Max Färberböck. She made her directorial debut in 1998.

Selected filmography (as director)
1998 Meschugge (The Giraffe diretto con / directed with Dani Levy) 2007 Liebesliebe (Love Life) 2016 Vor der Morgenröte (Stefan Zweig: Farewell to Europe); Premi / Awards: EFA – Premio del pubblico / People’s Choice Award 2020 Unorthodox serie TV / TV Series: Premi / Awards: Emmy – Migliore regia di serie breve / Emmi Awards – Outstanding Directing for a Limited Series 2021 Ich bin dein Mensch (I’m your Man); Premi / Awards: Berlinale – Orso d’argento per la migliore interpretazione / Silver Berlin Bear for Best Acting Performance 2022 She Said (Anche io)

  • 2024
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