Sceneggiatura, musica, montaggio / Screenplay, Music, Editing: Iva Radivojević
Fotografia / Photography: Martin DiCicco
Suono / Sound: Leandros Ntounis, Bojan Palikuća
Interpreti / Cast: Natalija Ilinčić, Srna Vasić, Mila Drobnjak, Vasilije Zečević, Danica Maksimović, Anton Augustinov, Dunja Vladisavljević, Ivana Pančić, Ibro Sakić, Slavica Bajčeta
Produzione / Produced by: Set Sail Films, Ivaasks Films
In associazione con / In association with: Picture Palace Pictures
Con il sostegno di / Supported by: Film Center Serbia, Ministry of Culture of Serbia, Princess Grace Foundation, Chicken and Egg Pictures, Hungarian Film Incentive
Distribuzione internazionale / World Sales: Lights On
This story centers around a phone call that was received one Friday in the spring of 1992. The main protagonist is an eleven-year-old girl. Being the only person at home, she is the one to answer the phone. The phone call brings news of a death. It is this call that seemingly disintegrates the country and the girl’s entire reality. The war that will ravage the country has already started but the war is not the center of this story, only its backdrop. This call, which brought news of her grandfather’s death, remains as the most vivid memory in the girl’s mind decades later, as a constant presence. Special Mention in the “Cineasti del Presente” section of the latest Locarno FF.
“The entire film is constructed of specific memories that have stayed with me from that period just before leaving Yugoslavia … The memories circle around loss and displacement – as experienced by an eleven year old girl. This moment of departure consequently becomes the source of all my work, the setting of what’s to come.” (I. Radivojević)
Iva Radivojević
Artist and filmmaker, Iva Radivojević, born in Belgrade in 1980, spent her early years
in Yugoslavia, Cyprus and eventually NYC and divides her time between Athens and Lesbos. Her films have been screened at the New York FF, Locarno FF, Rotterdam IFF, CPH:DOX, DocLisboa, MoMA, among others. After its premiere in Locarno, When the Phone Rang was successfully presented in many international film festivals, including Sarajevo FF, Thessaloniki IFF and FilmFestival Cottbus. filmografia scelta / selected filmography
{togetherness} cm / sf 2024 Kada je zazvonio telefon (When the Phone Rang); Premi / Awards: Locarno FF “Cineasti del Presente” – Menzione speciale / Special Mention; FilmFestival Cottbus – Miglior film, Premio FIPRESCI / Best Film, 127 FIPRESCI Award