Sceneggiatura / Screenplay: Ivana Mladenović, Adrian Schiop Direzione artistica / Artistic Direction: Ana Szel, Andrei Rus Fotografia / Photography: Carmen Tofeni Montaggio / Editing: Patricia Chelaru, Cătălin Cristuțiu Suono / Sound: Alexandru Dumitru Scenografia / Set Designer: Radmila Simić, Rada Dronjak, Gordana Mladenović Costumi / Costume Designer: Iulia Popescu Interpreti / Cast: Ivana Mladenović, Luka Gramić, Gordana Mladenović, Miodrag Mladenović, Kosta Mladenović, Zivka Sorejević, Andrei Dinescu, Anca Pop Produzione / Produced by: microFilm, Dunav 84 Con il sostegno di / Supported by: Romanian Film Center, Film Center Serbia In associazione con / In association with: Romanian Public Television, Verde Stop Arena, nomada.solo Distribuzione internazionale / World Sales: Syndicado Film Sales
Ivana works as an actress in Romania, but after she is confronted with some health issues, she
decides to spend the summer in her small Serbian hometown by the Danube, surrounded
by family. She is asked by the mayor to be the face of the local music festival and she
reluctantly accepts it. But after her eccentric musician friends arrive from Bucharest and her
love life involving a much younger local boy becomes the town’s gossip, Ivana is on the verge
of a nervous breakdown. Original protagonists, friends and family are invited to re-live the
emotions and play themselves in a story about a woman who cannot find her place on either
side of the Danube. Special Jury Prize in the “Cineasti del presente” section of the Locarno Film Festival, the film was also in competition at the Trieste Film Festival in 2020.
“A process that started almost as a therapeutic exercise became a film. Even in our own personal
history, the repetition of a drama can become a farce. In our case, a comedy.” (I. Mladenović)
Ivana Mladenović
She was born in 1984 in Kladovo, now Serbia. In 2010 she graduated in directing from UNATC Bucharest, where she lives and works. Her debut feature film Soldații. Poveste din Ferentari had its world premiere at the Toronto IFF in 2017 and was in competition at the San Sebastian IFF. The film was then also screened at Trieste FF in 2018, winning the Cineuropa Prize. selected filmography / selected filmography
2009 Afterparty cm / sf 2011 Skin cm / sf 2012 Lumea in patratele (Turn Off the Lights) doc.; Awards / Awards: Sarajevo FF – Best Documentary / Best Documentary 2017 Soldații. Poveste din Ferentari (Soldiers. Story from Ferentari); Awards / Awards: Trieste FF – Cineuropa Prize / Cineuropa Prize 2019 Ivana cea Groaznică (Ivana the Terrible); Awards / Awards: Locarno FF, “Cineasti del presente” – Special Jury Prize / Special Jury Prize