Mother and Daughter or The Night Is Never Complete
Lana Gogoberidze
GE-F, 2023, col & b-n / b-w, 89’
Georgian o.v.
Anteprima Italiana

The world-famous director Lana Gogoberidze, together with her daughter, film director and producer Salome Alexi, remembers her mother Nutsa, Georgia’s first woman filmmaker. A cinema legacy that revolves around being human in dark times: feminist, loving, critical of violence.

Co-regista / Co-director: Salome Alexi Sceneggiatura, voce narrante / Screenplay, Narrator: Lana Gogoberidze Fotografia / Photography: Jean-Louis Padis Montaggio / Editing: Lana Gogoberidze, Helene Murjikneli Musica / Music: Reso Kiknadze Suono / Sound: Irakli Ivanishvili Scenografia / Set Designer: Simon Machabeli Produzione / Produced by: 3003 FilmProduction (Salome Alexi) Coproduzione / Co-produced by: Manuel Cam Studio (Jean-Louis Padis) Con il sostegno di / Supported by: Georgian National Film Center, Georgian Film Institute

Nutsa Gogoberidze was Georgia’s first woman director, before being separated from her family for ten years as a gulag prisoner, and entirely cut off from her censured oeuvre for the rest of her life. Together with her daughter and film director Salome Alexi, Lana Gogoberidze sets out to bring together the pieces of Nutsa’s life.

“In the prologue of the film, old faded photos depict a mother and a daughter hugging each other … This film is about my mother. I had to make it, as nobody else could relate the story of a forgotten woman, one of the first female filmmakers in the Soviet Union, who, like millions of other women, was arrested during the time of Great Terror. Her films also disappeared, seemingly forever … But at that time, while bidding farewell at the train station, the mother was leaving to shoot a movie. The child was saying goodbye to her mother and weeping. And that’s when the question was posed – was the reason for the mother’s departure worth the child’s tears? For me, this film is an attempt to answer this question.” (L. Gogoberidze)

Lana Gogoberidze
Film director Lana Gogoberidze was born in Tbilisi, in 1928. In 1953 she graduated from Tbilisi State University. In 1958, she entered VGIK, Moscow State University of Cinematography. Very soon, she became a part of the so-called New Wave of Georgian cinema. Her films are considered as one of the first feminist films in the Soviet Union. From 1992 to 1995, she was elected to the Parliament of Georgia and became the Leader of Majority. Gogoberidze was one of the founders of the National Film Center in Georgia. Mother and Daughter or The Night Is Never Complete was presented at the latest Berlinale’s “Forum”.

filmografia scelta / selected filmography
1958 Gelati cm / sf doc. 1959 Tbilisi 1500 cm / sf doc. 1961 Erti tsis qvesh (Under One Sky) 1964 Me vkhedav mzes (I See the Sun) 1968 Peristsvaleba (Limits) 1972 Rotsa akvavda nushi (When Almonds Blossomed) 1975 Aurzari salkhinetsi (Commotion) 1978 Ramdenime interviu pirad sakitkhebze (Some Interviews on Personal Matters) 1984 Dges game utenebia (A Day Longer Than Night) 1987 Oromtriali (Turnover); Premi / Awards: Tokyo IFF – Miglior regista / Best Director 1992 Valsi Pechoraze (The Waltz on the Pechora); Premi / Awards: Berlinale “International Forum of New Cinema” – Premio della giuria ecumenica / Prize of Ecumenical Jury 2019 Okros dzapi (Golden Thread) 2023 Deda- Shvili an rame ar aris arasodes bolomde bneli (Mother and Daughter or The Night Is Never Complete) doc.

  • Friday 24
At 14:00
  • Cinema Ambasciatori

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