con Vesna Pajić e Massimo Premuda, a cura di DoubleRoom
ingresso libero
english only

The audience meets Samira Kentrić: a Slovenian artist, designer of covers and illustrations in which she combines political and personal themes with the intimacy of everyday life. Her exhibition “RE-VISIONI” curated by Vesna Pajić and Massimo Premuda, in collaboration with Alpe Adria Cinema and the Municipality of Koper, can be visited every day from 5 to 7 p.m. at the DoubleRoom gallery (via Canova 9).

The exhibition RE-VISIONS can be read as a personal reflection on feminism and a critical assessment of the development of Slovenian society. The exhibition crosses both semantic and physical boundaries in its approach to form and its lyricism of expression. Samira Kentrić’s work could be defined as art that constantly reminds us of the concrete problems of the present while advocating change in the way modern society operates.

Free entrance / English only

  • 2024
At 17:00
  • Antico Caffè San Marco

    Via Battisti, 18 | T +39 040203 5357
    Reach us on foot or by bus (line no. 6-9-35-25-26)
    10% discount on drinks for TSFF accredited persons