The Golden Egg White

The Golden Egg White
Samira Guadagnuolo, Tiziano Doria
I, 2023, b-w, 65’
Italian o.v.

A white hen, animal guide, takes us through a suspended and magical Mediterranean landscape. The film was made in complete autarky. Subject, production and 16mm processing were carried out by Warshadfilm – Tiziano Doria, Samira Guadagnuolo – in their Milanese laboratory.

A lady decides late in life to hatch an egg, some men suspend their daily work enraptured by sleep and the dreams that come from it, someone traces gestures that transform the flow of things. The iconography of Italian painting is full of sleepers: men with sleepy consciences or people capable of dreaming and having visions that go beyond the natural order? A white hen, animal guide, takes us through a suspended and magical Mediterranean landscape. In competition at the latest Filmmaker Film Festival.

“The film was made in complete autarky. Subject, production and 16mm processing (shooting, development of the negative, printing and editing) were carried out by Warshadfilm – Tiziano Doria, Samira Guadagnuolo – in their Milanese laboratory with the intention of regaining possession of the entire film production process. The form and language of the film bear the marks of this choice and find – to the minimum degree of tools and technical possibilities – a conceptual and poetic correspondence.” (production notes)

Sceneggiatura, fotografia, montaggio, suono, scenografia / Screenplay, Photography, Editing, Sound, Art Directors: Tiziano Doria, Samira Guadagnuolo (Warshadfilm)
Interpreti / Cast: Genny Albergo, Michele Caglia, Rossana Caglia, Mauro Cappiello, Milena Doria, Tiziana Doria, Mark Jackel, Rocco Petta, Crescenza Pirro, Rocco Silano, Teresa Tucciariello
Produzione / Produced by: Warshadfilm

Tiziano Doria, Samira Guadagnuolo (Warshadfilm)
Warshadfilm is a film research duo founded in 2018. Their work stems from practices related to film processes which they control entirely in their non-industrial cinema laboratory in Milan (Làbbash). Warshadfilm has produced several films, cinematographic installations and live performances and have been guests of important festivals including Locarno, Torino and Thessaloniki, where in 2022 they won the Golden Alexander Award.

Selected filmography
2019 Canti neri video installazione / video installation; Incompiuta cm / sf 16mm 2020 Festa nuziale cm / sf 16mm 2021 La Zita mm / ml 16mm; Premi / Awards: Salonicco, Festival del documentario / Thessaloniki Documentary Festival – Golden Alexander Award 2022 Appendice ad un film girato in estate cm / sf 16mm; Premi / Awards: Bellaria FF – Premio Oxilia / Oxilia Award 2023 L’albume d’oro 16mm

  • 2024
At 14:00
  • Cinema Ambasciatori

    viale XX settembre, 35 | T +39 040 662424
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