Names in the Wind, a documentary dedicated to the Shoah, presents a vision of deportation and life in the camps through the eyes of survivors. It uses film and photographic archive documents from national and international archives (mainly from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, the Historical Archive of the Municipality of Bologna, the Fossoli Foundation and the Cineteca di Bologna), and traces places and aspects of the deportation, imprisonment and Nazi extermination of the Jews. Inspired by the works of Primo Levi, the text is also based on the testimonies of several concentration camp survivors, including Edith Bruck, whom the author met, reported by voiceovers to give a choral effect.
“The most important aspect of the Shoah is that the testimonies of the survivors survive. Testimonies recorded through interviews, meetings with the public and written memoirs, recounting what the individuals experienced and what they saw. While many of them have since died, their words endure.” (A. Albertano)
Sceneggiatura / Screenplay: Anna Albertano
Montaggio / Editing: Davide Pepe
Ricerca archivistica / Archival research: Luisa Ceretto
Voci narranti / Narrators: Bruno Brunini, Elisabetta Cova, Bernardo Galasso, Susanna Stanzani
Produzione / Produced by: Fondo Archivio M.C.
Anna Albertano
Anna Albertano was born in 1963 in Cuorgnè, Italy, and graduated in Literature at the University of Bologna. She is a writer, a documentary director and screenwriter. She has published novels and collections of poetry.
Selected filmography
2018 I partigiani alpini della VI G.L. doc. 2020 Daniel Schmid, un racconto fuori stagione doc. cm / sf 2021 Gregorio Scalise in versi doc. cm / sf 2023 Nomi al vento doc. mm / ml