Olga Torrico
I, 2023, col., 20’
Italian – Caserta dialect o.v.

Olga Torrico
I, 2023, col., 20’
Italian – Caserta dialect o.v.

Renata lives in a country town where life follows the rhythm of rural activities. During the summer Renata gets her first period. A sense of upset arises within her when she realises that ancient folk beliefs surrounding menstruation influence the lives of the women in the community. “The title is a dialect expression used to refer to the menstrual cycle without naming it. It literally means ‘that thing on her’, as if menstruation were a negative presence looming over the body.” (O. Torrico)

Sceneggiatura / Screenplay: Olga Torrico, Claudio Balboni. Fotografia / Photography: Eleonora Contessi. Montaggio / Editing: Corrado Iuvara. Musica / Music: Marco Biscarini, Alessio Vanni. Suono / Sound: Alessandro Gaffuri. Scenografia / Art Director: Giuliano La Spina. Costumi / Costume Designer: Antonella Mignogna. Interpreti / Cast: Lavinia Sannino, Carmine Chianese, Marina De Simone, Achille Passaretti, Michela Cerbarano. Produzione, distribuzione internazionale, distribuzione per l’Italia / Produced by: World Sales, Distributed in Italy by: Sayonara Film. Coproduzione / Co-produced by: Articolture. Con il sostegno di / Supported by: MiC Direzione Generale Cinema e Audiovisivo, Campania Film Commission, Regione Campania

Olga Torrico
Italian film director and producer, based in Bologna, Olga Torrico was born in 1991. She lives and works in Bologna. In 2016, with Adam Selo she founded the production company Sayonara Film. Impure premiered at Alice nella Città where it received the Rai Cinema Channel Award.

2020 Gas Station cm / sf; Premi / Awards: SIC @SIC Venezia – Miglior contributo tecnico / Best Technical Contribution 2022 La robe cm /sf 2023 Chello ‘ncuollo cm / sf; Premi / Awards: Alice nella Città – Premio Rai Cinema Channel / Rai Cinema Channel Award

Francesco Sossai
D – F – I, 2023, col., 17’
Italian o.v.

“December 1999. I remember that, amidst the Millennium Bug anxiety, I went to the birthday of Enrico, a kid who lived with his family in an old and isolated farmhouse … To tell the story, I chose to point the camera, once again, at the landscape of my native country, a place at once familiar to me and charged with horror.” (F. Sossai)

Sceneggiatura, montaggio / Screenplay, Editing: Francesco Sossai. Fotografia / Photography: Giulia Schelhas. Musica / Music: Non voglio che Clara. Suono / Sound: Sebastian Pablo Poloni, Artiom Constantinov. Scenografia / Art Director: Paula Meuthen. Costumi / Costume Designer: Ilaria Marmugi. Interpreti / Cast: Nicola Cannarella, Matthias Tormen, Denis Fasolo, Elia Luciani, Luisa Trigilla, Livio Pacella. Produzione / Produced by: Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin (DFFB), Kidam, Cecilia Trautvetter, Francesco Sossai. Con il sostegno di / Supported by: Creative Europe Media, CNC, Procirep-Angoa. Distribuzione internazionale / World Sales: KurzFilm Agentur

© Kidam DFFB

Francesco Sossai
Film director Francesco Sossai was born in 1989 in Feltre, Italy. He moved to Rome where he graduated in English and German Literatures. He was then admitted to the DFFB – German Television Film Academy in Berlin. His first feature length film Other Cannibals was awarded Best First Feature at PÖFF in Tallinn. Shot in S16 mm, The Birthday Party was presented at the Directors’ Fortnight of the latest Cannes Film Festival.

2021 Altri cannibali (Other Cannibals); Premi / Awards: PÖFF (Tallinn) – Miglior opera prima / Best First Feature 2023 Il compleanno di Enrico (The Birthday Party) cm / sf; Premi / Awards: Vila do Conde International Short FF – Grand Prix

Highway of a Broken Heart
Niktos Kyritsis
GR, 2023, col., 11’
Greek o.v.
Italian premiere

On an empty and badly lit part of an endless highway, Mary will do everything she can to win back the man who just broke her heart. But the night holds a big surprise. “The narrative is structured around the five stages of grief and challenges the stereotypical notions of romance while tackling the issue of love and separation in a more sarcastic and poignant way, calling attention to the generally self-centered and naive nature of love…” (N. Kyritsis)

Sceneggiatura / Screenplay: Nikos Kyritsis. Fotografia / Photography: Yorgos Karvelas. Montaggio / Editing: Nikos Vavouris. Suono / Sound: Panagiotis Papagianopoulos, Nikos Exarchos. Scenografia / Art Director: Stavros Liokalos. Costumi / Costume Designer: Marli Aleiferi. Interpreti / Cast: Elena Topalidou, Vassilis Zarifopoulos. Produzione / Produced by: Homemade Films. Coproduzione / Co-produced by: ERT S.A. Distribuzione internazionale, distribuzione per l’Italia / World Sales, Distributed in Italy by: Lights On

Nikos Kyritsis
Film director Nikos Kyritsis was born in Greece in 1986. He has worked in short films, commercials and video-art installations. Since 2017, he has been teaching Film, Media, and Communication in HHU & SBC Universities in China. He is currently working on his first feature film. Highway of a Broken Heart premiered at the Tirana IFF where was awarded Best Balkan Short Film.

Selected filmography
2011 Totem cm / sf 2013 King Kong cm / sf 2023 I ethniki odos mias ragismenis kardias (Highway of a Broken Heart) cm / sf; Premi / Awards: Tirana IFF – Miglior cortometraggio dei Balcani / Best Balkan Short Film

It’s a date
Nadia Parfan
UA, 2023, col., 5’
no dialogue
Italian premiere

Kyïv 2022. A car races at breakneck speed through the city at dawn. Filmed from a subjective camera angle in a single unedited shot, this contemporary remake of Claude Lelouch’s film C’était un rendez-vous conveys the conflicted emotions felt by the present state of emergency caused by the war.

Sceneggiatura / Screenplay: Nadia Parfan. Fotografia / Photography: Denys Melnyk. Suono / Sound: Margaryta Kulichova, Yevhenii Chaban. Interpreti / Cast: Diana Berg, Olena “Tiger”. Produzione / Produced by: Phalanstery Films, Radar Films. Con il sostegno di / Supported by: UK/Ukraine Season (British Council, Ukrainian Institute), Goethe Institut, Story. Distribuzione internazionale / World Sales: Radiator IP Sales

Nadia Parfan
Born in 1986 in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, Nadia Parfan is a Kyiv-based film director, writer, producer and film programmer. In 2015 she finished a DOK PRO documentary film directing course at Andrzej Wajda Film School in Warsaw. The Trieste FF presented her documentaries Heat Singers in 2020 and I Did not Want to Make a War Film in 2023. It’s a Date premiered in competition at the latest Berlinale, where it was awarded a Special Mention of the Jury.

Selected filmography
2014 Ekzarch doc. cm / sf 2016 Reve ta Stohne on Tour doc. cm / sf 2017 Housewarming cm / sf 2019 Spivaye Ivano-Frankivskteplokomunenergo (Heat Singers) doc.; Premi / Awards: Ukrainian Film Academy – Miglior documentario / Best documentary; Ukrainian Film Critics Association – Miglior documentario / Best documentary 2021 Women Who Play doc. cm / sf 2022 I Did not Want to Make a War Film doc. cm / sf 2023 It’s a Date cm / sf; Premi / Awards: Berlinale – Menzione speciale della giuria / Special Mention of the Jury.

How I learned to Hang Laundry
Barbara Zemljič
SLO, 2023, col., 23’
Slovenian o.v.

After a chance encounter, Oli and Miha become friends, or something more. Or less. “The ambiguous relationship between Oli and Miha acts as a lens through which we examine the intricate and often complex fibers that form the fabric of human connections, particularly among younger generations.” (B. Zemljič)

Sceneggiatura / Screenplay: Špela Murenc Škulj. Fotografia / Photography: Žiga Krajnc. Montaggio / Editing: Ivana Fumić. Musica / Music: Laren Polič Zdravič. Suono / Sound: Julij Zornik, Igor Iskra. Scenografia / Art Director: Urša Vidic. Costumi / Costume Designer: Tina Bonča. Interpreti / Cast: Tamara Avguštin, Domen Novak, Lucija Harum. Produzione / Produced by: Filmservis. Coproduzione / Co-produced by: Utopia Film, Nuframe, 001. Con il sostegno di / Supported by: Slovenian Film Centre

Barbara Zemljič
(born in 1978 in Gradec, Slovenia) is a film, television and theatre director, screenwriter, playwright and assistant professor of screenwriting at the AGRFT, University of Ljubljana. How I Learned to Hang Laundry which premiered at the latest Sarajevo FF, was an EFA nominee.

Selected filmography
2006 Miza, ki tudi laže doc. cm / sf 2007 Proti oknu cm / sf 2008 Lasje cm / sf 2009 Planet prihodnosti doc. 2013 Panika 2017 Tiho cm / sf 2019 Koncert cm / sf 2023 Kako sem se naučila obešati perilo (How I Learned to Hang Laundry) cm / sf; Premi / Awards: Slovenian FF – Miglior cortometraggio / Best Short Film

The Sea in Between
Lun Sevnik
SLO – CZ – HR, 2024, col., 14’
Croatian – English o.v.
World Premiere

While helping his father with the family business, a disgruntled teenage boy is stuck on a small boat with an older tourist. “In the crucial moment, when the son needs his father’s support the most, the father turns his back on him. This event not only leaves the son forever marked by a traumatic experience but also represents the ultimate breakdown of his father as a moral authority.” (L. Sevnik)

Sceneggiatura / Screenplay: Lun Sevnik. Fotografia / Photography: Kryštof Melka. Montaggio / Editing: Jana Vlčková. Suono / Sound: Anna Jesenská. Scenografia / Art Director: Johan Dagarin. Costumi / Costume Designer: Zuzana Formánková. Effetti speciali / Special Effects: David Payne. Interpreti / Cast: Bruno Mihanović, Leon Lučev, Martin Pechlát. Produzione / Produced by: Cvinger Film. Coproduzione / Co-produced by: Pink Productions, Studio FAMU, Sensoria Studio. Con il sostegno di / Supported by: Czech Film Fund, Slovenian Film Centre, Croatian Audiovisual Centre. Distribuzione internazionale / World Sales: Lights On

Lun Sevnik
Film director and screenwriter Lun Sevnik was born in 1992 in Ljubljana. He studied film directing at FAMU in Prague, and attended the MIDPOINT Shorts programme in 2019 and in 2022-2023. Alongside co-writer Atila Urbančič and producer Rok Biček, he is currently developing his debut feature film. The Sea in Between is his graduation work from FAMU

Selected filmography
2019 Hra (Playing) cm / sf 2021 Progress cm / sf 2023 Morje med nama (The Sea in Between) cm / sf

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