by Christian Klinger, with Vida Valencic
by Bottega Errante Edizioni, in collaboration with DeutschZentrum Triest

Austrian writer Christian Klinger reconstructs the story of Pino Robusti, an architecture student who was shot in Trieste at the Risiera di San Sabba, Italy’s only extermination camp. Waiting for him during those dramatic days and asking for his pardon are his father Vittorio and girlfriend Laura.

Vida Valencic, freelance journalist, programme editor and radio and television presenter, dialogues with the author.
Event in cooperation with the Festival ‘Estensioni. Dentro le letterature di confine’.

Austrian author of numerous crime novels, he received the Luitpold-Stern-Förderungspreis and was shortlisted for the Agatha Christie Crime Prize (2011). He lives between Vienna and Trieste, the city in which he sets his narratives, where the characters’ stories are intertwined with the history of the Adriatic city. His novel Die Liebenden von der Piazza Oberdan was published in 2020 by Picus Verlag, followed later by Ein Giro in Triest and Die Geister von Triest.

Free entrance



  • 2024
At 18:00
  • Libreria Ubik

    Galleria Tergesteo, Piazza della Borsa, 15 | T. +39 040762947
    Reach us on foot or by bus (fermate autobus più vicine n. 9, 6, 14, 17, 35,51)